The User is warned that this website uses cookies. Cookies are small data files that are generated in the User's computer and that allow the User to store the information generated by their activity on the network. Cookies allow a website, among other things, to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user or his/her computer and, depending on the information they contain and the way he/she uses his/her computer, they can be used to recognise the user.

This website may use the following cookies:

Technical Cookies

They are those that allow the user to navigate through a web page, platform or application and use the different options or services that exist therein, such as, for example, controlling traffic and data communication, identifying the session, accessing parts of restricted access, remembering the elements that make up an order, carrying out the purchase process of an order, applying for registration or participation in an event, using security elements during navigation, storing content for video or sound broadcasting or sharing content through social networks.

Within these cookies we can find, among others, user input cookies, authentication cookies, user security cookies, media player session cookies, session cookies for load balancing or plug-in cookies for exchanging social content.

Personalization Cookies

They are those that allow the user to access the service with some general characteristics predefined according to a series of criteria in the user's terminal, such as, for example, the language, the type of browser through which the service is accessed, the regional configuration from which the service is accessed, etc.

Analytical Cookies

Analysis cookies allow us to track and analyse your browsing behaviour on our website, in order to be able to draw up user browsing profiles to make improvements to our services based on the analysis of your usage data. In this way, we can learn the following information:

The date and time of the last time the User visited our website.
The access to the contents that the User chose in his last visit to our website.
To carry out the statistics of the use of our website we use statistical tools with a limited scope to the functions described in the previous paragraph and with the purpose of knowing the level of recurrence of our visitors and the contents that are most interesting. In this way we can concentrate our efforts on improving the most visited areas and make it easier for the user to find what he is looking for.

The website may use the information from your visit to perform evaluations and statistical calculations on anonymous data, as well as to ensure continuity of service or to make improvements to its websites. Such information will not be used for any other purpose.

Advertising Cookies

Advertising cookies allow us to manage, in the most efficient way possible, the advertising spaces included in our website, based on criteria such as the content edited or the frequency with which the ads are shown.

Behavioral advertising cookies

Behavioral advertising cookies (also called tracking cookies) allow efficient management of the advertising spaces included on this website. These cookies store information about your behaviour obtained through continuous observation of your browsing habits, which allows us to develop a specific profile to show you advertising based on this.

This typology includes cookies used for purposes of limiting sales pressure, financial log-in, advertising affiliation, click fraud detection, market research and analysis, product improvement and debugging, among others.

Social media plug-in cookies for tracking

Plug-in cookies for exchanging social content may be used by third parties to track individuals, both members and non-members of a social network, to include behavioural advertising or for market analysis and research.

The following table is included for illustrative purposes only, identifying the most relevant cookies used in the Websites, as well as whether they are own or those of third parties (and identifying the third party hired or whose services have been decided to be used) and their purpose:

Cookies used on this website

Entity that manages cookies Purpose
Own cookiePassword Reminder
cookielector User Preferences
cookielogin2 Identification