Portable Printer

€39,99 €58,99
Free tracked & insured shipping
Free Returns
14 Days Money Back Guarantee
"This thing is a game-changer! No more measuring, cutting, sticking. The Portable Printer does it all - and it fits in my hand!"
Linda L.

Liven up your journaling experience with colorful, personalized print goodness!

🖌 Compact and portable: Fits in your pocket.

🎶 One printer, multiple functions: Notes, Images, Web, Graphics.

📱 App-supported: Easy digital conversion for printing.

🚀 Prints in a flash: Quick and hassle-free.

📀Kickstart Your DIY Projects🎨

Tired of the ordinary? Unwrap the joy of personalized DIY projects, journal stickers, notes, and much more with this Portable Printer.


🤧Say Goodbye To Time-Consuming Manual Crafts🛑

Say hello to instant gratification. Print pictures, texts, emoticons without pre-set templates or software restrictions. No more waiting to express yourself creatively.


🥺Carry Your Creativity Everywhere You Go🚶🏻

Why limit creativity to your craft room? This Portable Printer fits right into your pocket. Create, print, and share, wherever you are!


Get Your Portable Printer Now, with a 14-day money-back guarantee!

Rest easy knowing your purchase comes with a 14-day money-back guarantee. If the Portable Printer doesn't enhance your creative projects, return it, no questions asked!

We hope that your experience with Nimebrand is as effortless as possible, however, we do acknowledge that questions may arise.

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Where is my order?
You can find information about shipping & handling  and track your order in TRACK YOUR ORDER Please note customers are not responsible for any customs and tax charges for their order, as we will bear all costs.

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What is my tracking number?
Tracking will be available 1-3 days after your order. Please do reach out if you haven’t received yours after 7 by contacting support. 

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My item arrived damaged, what should I do?

We do ship every item with extra padding. Despite this, our customers report that around 1 in 1000 products arrives damaged due to mail service mistreatment.

If this happens to you, please reach out with:
    - Your order number.
    - A picture of the damaged product.
Once received, we'll be happy to send out another free of charge.

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Contact us:
If we still haven't managed to answer your question please feel free to contact us at Info@nimebrand.com and we'll get back to within 24-48 hrs.

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